About Me
I am currently a research assistant at Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory under the guidance of Associate Prof Wanli Ouyang. Prior to that, I received the Master degree in the School of Artificial Intelligence, Optics and Electronics (iOPEN) at Northwestern Polytechnic University, supervised by Qi Wang and Xuelong Li professors, collaborating with Junyu Gao. I also did my Bachelor degree at school of Automation, Northwestern Polytechnic University. My research area includes computer vision, deep learning and machine learning.
- [03/2022] One paper has been accepted by CVPR 2022
- [11/2021] One paper has been accepted by IEEE TNNLS
- [01/2021] One paper has been accepted by IEEE TNNLS
- [12/2020] Awarded with Third Prize of the Second China Graduated AI Innovation Competition (6/182)
- [12/2020] One paper has been accepted by IEEE TNNLS
- [10/2020] One paper has been accepted by NeurIPS 2020
- [08/2020] One paper has been accepted by ECCVw 2020
- [01/2020] One paper has been accepted by ICASSP 2020
Education & Experiences
Department of General Vision, Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, China
04/2022 - presentSchool of Artificial Intelligence, Optics and Electronics (iOPEN), Northwestern Polytechnic University, China
09/2019 - 03/2022School of Automation, Northwestern Polytechnic University, China
09/2015 - 07/2019
→ Full list * equal contribution

Domain-Adaptive Crowd Counting via High-Quality Image Translation and Density Reconstruction
J. Gao, T. Han, Y. Yuan, and Q. Wang
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS), 2021

Multi-task Attention Network for Lane Detection and Fitting
Q. Wang, T. Han, Z. Qin, J. Gao, and X. Li
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS),2020

A Flow Base Bi-path Network for Cross-scene Video Crowd Understanding in Aerial View
Z. Zhao*, T. Han*, J Gao, Q. Wang, X. Li
Proc. European Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ECCVw), 2020

Focus on Semantic Consistency for Cross-Domain Crowd Understanding, (Oral)
T. Han, J. Gao, Y. Yuan, and Q. Wang
Proc. International Conference on Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2020
Under review

LDC-Net: A Unified Framework for Localization, Detectionand Countingin Dense Crowds
Q. Wang, T. Han, J. Gao, Y. Yuan, and X, Li
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2021 (under review)

- IEEE Student Member, 2020-Now
- AAAI Member, 2021-Now
Journal Reviewer
- IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI)
- IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP)
- IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS)
- IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT)
- IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems (SMCA)
- IET Image Processing
- Neurocomputing
Awards & Honors
- Outstanding Graduate Student, Shaanxi Province, 2022
- Outstanding Graduate Student, Northwestern Polytechnical University, 2022
- 2020, Third Prize of the Second China Graduated AI Innovation Competition link1 link2
- 2020, Honourable Mention in VisDrone competition on the European Conference on Computer Vision
- 2018, First Prize of the National Undergraduate Smart Car Competition on NXP Cup
- 2017, First Prize of the American Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling
- 2017, Second Prize of the National Undergraduate Smart Car Competition on NXP Cup
- 2021, National Scholarship, China
- 2021, First Prize of Academic Scholarship, Northwestern Polytechnic University
- 2021, Hua Wei Special Scholarship in the Second China Graduated AI Innovation Competition
- 2020, CETC LES Scholarship, The 28th Research Institute of CETC
- 2020, First Prize of Academic Scholarship, Northwestern Polytechnic University
- 2019, First Prize of Academic Scholarship, Northwestern Polytechnic University
- 2016~2018, Outstanding Student Scholarship, Northwestern Polytechnic University
- 2016~2018, National Encouragement Scholarship, Ministry of Education
- 2016~2019, Outstanding Student Scholarship, Yunnan Province